Introducing Intelligent Office Sound Masking
The revolutionary VoiceArrest™ Sound Masking System provides the most effective masking available. Other, older technologies at best allow you to schedule the amount of masking, you know that the noisy distractions in your workplace are anything but predictable! The VoiceArrest™ System automatically adapts to your environment's changing privacy needs, imperceptibly adding masking when you need it, and backing off when you don't.
What is Sound Masking?
The modern office is a busy, often noisy place. Most are designed to encourage collaboration and teamwork, but also tend to be stressful, with productivity-killing conversational distractions. You spend a lot on your employees and your workspace - better office sound masking can help you maximize your workspace's ROI.
The Cost of Doing Nothing
Office Sound Masking is often viewed as a luxury, a line-item that can be safely dispensed with to cut costs. This would be true if privacy were not a measurable thing, the lack of which has a very quantifiable - and dramatic - cost. If your office has a noise problem, it's already costing you money - probably more than you know. Your workspace's ROI is a leaky bucket, and sound masking is one of the most effective ways to plug some of those leaks.
Request Evaluation
Talk to a privacy expert today and find out just how much better sounding, more effective speech privacy can benefit your facility's bottom line!