When it was first conceived in 1950, it was mainly for collaboration and idea exchange among employees. But there’s a trade-off: noise and stress. Modern and green offices favor open layout for … [Read more...]
Workplace Productivity Blogs
Solving the Top 10 Productivity Killers at Work
The open office makes everyone visible and therefore accountable to each other. Yet, while social media use, gaming, and personal internet browsing are eliminated, other productivity killers take … [Read more...]
A Quiet Place: How Too Much Quiet Hurts Worker Productivity
Silence still fosters better concentration, if not for the negative aspect of magnifying intermittent speech and in consequence, the complete loss of speech privacy. Silence is more associated with … [Read more...]
The Hard Truth About Your Office Design: Does it Help or Hinder Work?
http://webbanki.ru/zaimy-po-pasportuThe modern office is notorious for the lack of speech privacy, resulting in an increasing case of disengaged employees which affects overall workplace productivity. … [Read more...]